Saturday, July 16, 2005


I'm getting alot of hits on this blog site. More than I'd ever imagined actually. Even one in Tokyo yesterday, that was cool! I've gone international, I love it! I've decided to post this little tidbit of knowledge, because I've noticed that despite the traffic, I'm not getting alot of comments. Yes Jeope, I do get yours, you're the saving grace! :) My idea is that, by posting this, I can create a place where visitors can leave their mark. Comment this thread as if it were a guestbook. Just say hi, or say hi and let me know what you think of the blog so far. I'd appreciate the feedback.

Thanks folks!


Mary said...

I wish I knew how to get my paren'ts website as easily found online as my blog is! It is really cool to see what kind of blog traffic ya get - I have a tracker on mine and I get references on the most random stuff!

And it is hard to get comments going. I hope my comment starts a chain reaction! :) -M

Jeope said...


Whatcanisay? Sucka for comments.

Matt said...

What if I don't wanna? :P

(I am digging on the links you're digging up, by the way.)

Unknown said...

The officer here says they've got they're eye on you for a reason...