Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Design Inspiration mention on Drawn!

It dawned on me after seeing several new comments on Design Inspiration that there must have been some press somewhere I hadn't been aware of to drive people to the site. A little covert detective work quickly turned up the explanation. My buddy Ward, one of the contributors over at Drawn! had posted a quick mention. Very cool! Ward and his family just moved from Georgia to Portland, which is about an hour north of me. Sounds like it might be time to take the man out to lunch in repayment.

Thanks again Ward!


Ward Jenkins said...

No problem, Jeff! You're definitely worth it. Great job on all your sites, by the way. (And very sorry it's taken me this long to mention DI on Drawn!)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the mention Jeff. You deserve to be recognized for all your efforts.