Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Operation Nice: A Refreshing New Site

Recently a designer buddy of mine Melissa Ivone introduced a refreshing new site devoted to...Nice. Now Melissa is easily one of the nicest people I know so I trust her to have an informed and educated opinion on the subject.

An introduction from the website and in Melissa's own words...

The other day I was waiting for an elevator in my building with one other gentleman. As the elevator arrived, I hesitated. I usually let others enter first, as a courtesy. But this gentleman held out his hand, motioning me to the door. As I walked through, he said with a chuckle, "You didn't really think I was going to walk in here first, did you?" I responded, "Well, I don't like to take anything for granted nowadays."

That one minor gesture brightened my day! I started to think, "What a great world this would be if everyone had consideration for others." It's a shame that that's not the case currently. It's obvious that common courtesy is lacking in society today. Just drive down a major highway and you'll see that.

What we all need is a little NICE.

Operation NICE is an encouragement to spread a little NICE to others. Stop by to read some positive, upbeat news stories (yes, they exist) about nice people. Download some tools (coming soon!) to help you in your quest to communicate the concept of niceness. Share a story or two about how someone made your day.

It is not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game ever starts.
- Addison Walker

It is a truly encouraging site and I urge you to visit it and peruse through every anecdote and comment. It will brighten your day.


Melissa said...

Aww shucks!! Thanks Jeff, that's so sweet!

devon spec said...

oh SNAP mel! he called you "melissa ivone." it's melissa MORRIS-ivone to you jeff. ;)

j/k. this site is super cool and uplifting. :)