Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lazy Sunday Afternoon: Photos in the Park

So, it was such a beautiful day today, Michelle and I decided to take the camera down to River Forks Park here in Roseburg and take some photos. This is a park that I remember vividly from my childhood. It has some great things for kids to climb and play on, like the helicoptor and wagon pictured. There's also a fort with some metal teepees on the green grass outside. A couple of whales that during the Summer will have a wading pool of water surrounding them and will shoot water from their spouts. It was a favorite place from my childhood. Unfortunately, as you can see, most of this stuff has seen better days, they look like they have 30 years of paint peeling off, too bad. Anyway, enjoy the photos, I guess I have a thing for photographing signs too eh?

1 comment:

Mrs. Maria said...

These photo are great! You guys look great! I love the whale photos too.